Welcome to my Website!

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Neocities.

Here's how you can make bold and italic text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:

To learn more HTML/CSS, check out these tutorials!

For basic info on CoDA, visit the CoDA World Website at: http://www.coda.org
This website provided by the: Long Island CoDA Inter-Group            URL: http://licoda.neocities.org/
EMAIL: longislandcoda@gmail com                                           PHONE/TEXT: 516-500-CoDA (2632)
USPS: LICoDA • c/o St Thomas • 6 Commonwealth Blvd • Bellerose NY  11001-4141
NOTE: This page not necessarily reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.


For basic info on CoDA, visit the CoDA World Website at: http://www.coda.org
This website is provided by: Long Island CoDA (LICoDA) Inter-Group                URL: http://licoda.org
EMAIL: longislandcoda@gmail.com                                               PHONE/TEXT: 516-500-CoDA (2632)
USPS: LICoDA • c/o St Thomas • 6 Commonwealth Blvd • Bellerose NY  11001-4141
NOTE: This page not necessarily reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.


Additional CoDA information available at the Int'l website: http://www.coda.org
This website provided by: Long Island CoDA (LICoDA) Intergroup                       URL: http://licoda.org
EMAIL: info@licoda.org                                                                   PHONE/TEXT: 516-500-CoDA (2632)
USPS: LICoDA • c/o St Thomas • 6 Commonwealth Blvd • Bellerose NY  11001-4141
NOTE: This page not necessarily reviewed, endorsed, or approved by Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.


Additional CoDA information available at the Int'l website: http://www.coda.org
Información adicional de CoDA disponible en el sitio web de Int'l: http://www.coda.org Este sitio web proporcionado por: Long Island CoDA (LICoDA) Intergroup URL: http://licoda.org EMAIL: info@licoda.org PHONE/TEXTO: 516-500-CoDA (2632) USPS: LICoDA • c/o St Thomas • 6 Commonwealth Blvd • Bellerose NY 11001-4141 NOTA: Esta página no necesariamente revisada, respaldada o aprobada por Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc.