Connecting On-line
Follow the steps below to set up a LIVE Video Conference connection for any LICoDA Dial-in Meetings using
- Open a new browser Window, or Tab. The link in Step #2 works well in any browser except Opera!
- Go to the LICoDA Online Meeting Link
at (
- If prompted, enter: longislandcoda for "Meeting ID," else go to the next step.
- In the "Enter Name" box, enter first name ONLY!
- Enter an email address. (Skip the box for "Yes, I want my own").
- Click "Join," and if a second Window, or Tab opens go back to the "sign-in" window.
- If prompted, click "Allow."
- If your camera is working, thumbnail images of other participants should appear on the righthand side of the program window— on the page where you signed in.
- Click the "camera" icon at the top of the window to be seen by others in the room.
NOTE: This is a simple TEXT file. It's easy to BLOCK/COPY/PASTE the content, as needed, and print for future reference.
© 2017- Long Island CoDA (LICoDA) Intergroup