Connecting On-line

Follow the steps below to set up a LIVE Video Conference connection for any LICoDA Dial-in Meetings using

  1. Open a new browser Window, or Tab. The link in Step #2 works well in any browser except Opera!
  2. Go to the LICoDA Online Meeting Link at (
  3. If prompted, enter: longislandcoda for "Meeting ID," else go to the next step.
  4. In the "Enter Name" box, enter first name ONLY!
  5. Enter an email address. (Skip the box for "Yes, I want my own").
  6. Click "Join," and if a second Window, or Tab opens go back to the "sign-in" window.
  7. If prompted, click "Allow."
  8. If your camera is working, thumbnail images of other participants should appear on the righthand side of the program window— on the page where you signed in.
  9. Click the "camera" icon at the top of the window to be seen by others in the room.

NOTE: This is a simple TEXT file. It's easy to BLOCK/COPY/PASTE the content, as needed, and print for future reference.


LICoDA = Long Island CoDA
© 2017- Long Island CoDA (LICoDA) Intergroup