Long Island CoDA Logo Long Island CoDA Logo                                                       Long Island CoDA Logo 7th Tradition Tickle

 Preamble   •    Welcome  (long)   •    Welcome  (short)   •    Steps   •    Traditions   •    Promises 


Collected from the "Member Resources" (coda.org/meeting-materials), in the "CoDA Meeting Materials" section, at CoDA.org, and other sources.
 CoDA Webpage Portable Document Format (PDF)
Opening Prayer
Opening Prayer
Serenity Prayer
Serenity Prayer
Third Step Prayer
Third Step Prayer
CoDA Step Prayers
CoDA Step Prayers
Closing Prayers
Closing Prayers
Recovery Prayer
Recovery Prayer

...MORE PRAYERSNot necessarily CoDA Service Conference (CSC) endorsed literature.

Serenity Prayer (we version)
Set Aside Prayer
Serenity Prayer (long version)
The Togetherness Prayer
CoDA Service Prayer


Downloadable FREE versions of CoDA Pamphlets, Brochures, Tri-Folds & Documents collected from various pages at CoDA.org
with images that link to pamphlets available for purchased from CoDA Resource Publishing (CoRe, Inc.)
What Is CoDA?
Am I Codependent?
Attending Meetings
Your First Meeting
Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous
Communication and Recovery
Establishing Boundaries in Recovery
Sponsorship in CoDA
Using the Twelve Traditions
Healthy Meetings Matter
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence
Recovery Patterns of Codependence
Codependency & Recovery - The Differences
Codependency & Recovery - The Differences
Созависимость и выздоровление - различия
(in Russian)
Dealing with Disagreements
Recovery From Codependence:
A Brief Introduction
Twelve Service Concepts
Twelve Service Concepts–
Alive & Strong
Twelve Tips for Sponsors
Info for Professionals
Following the Twelve Traditions
in CoDA Service Work

*A Service Work Inventory Tool*
General Responsibilities of Trusted Servants
Getting Started Working Steps 1, 2, 3
Using the 30 Questions
Working Steps 4 & 5 ‐ Using the 40 Questions
CoDA-Australia Sponsorship Program:
The First 14 Days — Workbook for Sponsees
Sydney, Australia, Sponsorship Program:
First 14 Days — Questions
"13th Stepping"
(via CoDA Canada, written by Washington State fellowship)
Proposed Statement on 13th Stepping
(from Bay Area CoDA Community Service Group‐not conference approved)
Policy Regarding Outside Literature
at CoDA Meetings
Court Attendance Letter
FREE Downloadable CoDA Materials (USA)
FREE Downloadable CoDA Materials (Canada)


• CoDA Meeting Materials (coda.org/meeting-materials) •
• CoDA Outreach Resource Guide (coda.org/outreach) •
• Tools for Codependent Recovery¹ (licoda.org/Program/programindex.html) •
• My Daily CoDA Program Journal (licoda.org/Images/Daily_CoDA_Program_Chart.png) •
• The Fellowship Services Manual(FSM) (coda.org/service-info/fellowship-services-manual-fsm/) •
• An Open Letter To The Newcomer (Not CoDA Conference endorsed literature) (licoda.org/Images/Open-Letter.pdf) •
• The 40 Questions For CoDA Steps Four & Five, from CoDA UK (Not CoDA Conference endorsed literature) •

• CoDA Committees & Other Important Contact Information (coda.org/coda-area-contacts/coda-committee-list/) •
• Helpful questions for setting sponsor/sponcee relationship boundaries² (licoda.org/Images/10Questions.png)
• Twelve: Steps/Traditions/Promises/Service Concepts (coda.org/meeting-materials/twelve-steps) •
• Co-Dependents Anonymous Email Lists & Audio Video Files (www.codependents.org) •

• LICoDA Intergroup Business Meeting Minutes from Sat, March 19, 2022 (licoda.org/Images/Minutes_3-19-22.pdf) •
• 2022 CoDA Service Conference (CSC) Motions (FINAL VERSION) (icoda.org/Images/Motions_Report_8.22.22-8.25.22_REVISED.pdf) •

PRINT CoDA Resource Publishing Inc. (CoRe) (corepublications.org) •
DIGITAL CoDA Resource Publishing Inc. (CoRe) (corepublications.org/digital-ebooks-english) •

Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA Inc) -- YouTube© Page (youtube.com/channel/UC0oWXZDpoVdKbyJ0YDh1zTQ) •
A message from the CoDA Omaha Service Board -- What is CoDA? (youtube.com/watch?v=lbivqR_OIvA) •

• CoDA Fellowship Forum Audio Recordings (codependents.org/ff/ff.htm) •

• Co-NNections Recovery Stories (coda.org/co-nnections-recovery-stories) •

¹This link, and the links within its subsequent pages, is recovered from the old New York State CoDA website (NYSCoDA.org).
Contact, email, internal links and other referencing information therein may not function as described. In the future it is possible
updates may be done. In the meantime, with apologies for those links that fail to function correctly, & any other internal glitches,
it is posted here, in its original form, because of its potential value and usefulness to those seeking recovery from codependency.

²These questions are from page 12 of the "Codependents Anonymous Sponsorship Booklet," ©2003, which is no longer in print.
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7th Tradition Tickle

CoDA's 7th Tradition states we are self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

* To make a donation click the QR Code using your Venmo Mobile APP.

All donations go directly to supporting Long Island CoDA
activities at the local, regional and national level.

Send additions, corrections, and comments about "LICoDA.org" to Long Island CoDA
(Request our "Change Meeting Information Form," in your message to change/update your Meeting Information)
Our contact, and address information is listed below.

Thank you for your continuing interest in and support of LICoDA
Keep coming back. It works when you work it. You're worth it- work it!

LICoDA = Long Island CoDA

Montauk to Fire Island, Off-Season

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