Long Island CoDA Logo Long Island CoDA Logo                             Co-NNections Recovery Stories                             Long Island CoDA Logo 7th Tradition Tickle

 Preamble   •    Welcome   •    Welcome  (short)   •    Steps   •    Traditions   •    Promises   •    Large Print 

 CoDAteen  •   Prayers  •   Step Pamphlets  •   CoDA Pamphlets  •   FREE ‘Stuff’  •   Add'l Docs & Svcs  •   CSC Motions & LICoDA Minutes 

CoDAteen Image Block CoDAteen Meetings CoDAteen Image Block

CoDAteen at CoDA.org
Is CoDAteen for me?
CoDAteen Resources
How to Start a CoDAteen Meeting
What Is CoDAteen?
CoDA’s Minimum Behavioral and
Safety Requirements for CoDAteen
What to Expect at
Your First CoDAteen Meeting
CoDAteen Preamble©
CoDAteen Welcome
(Long Version)
CoDAteen Welcome
(Short Version)
The Twelve Steps of CoDAteen©
The Twelve Traditions CoDAteen©
CoDAteen Step Study Guide
Sample Parental Permission Letter
      CoDAteen Meeting Handbook



Documents linked from this page, and Documents found on this page are available for free download.
They are for personal use only and are subject to CoDA’s Fair Use Policy. Reading, Sharing, & Buying
CoDA Literature at CoDA Resource Publishing (CoRe, Inc.) supports CoDA Service & CoDA Fellowship.


Collected from the "Member Resources" (coda.org/meeting-materials), in the "CoDA Meeting Materials" section, at CoDA.org, and other sources.
  CoDA Webpage     Portable Document Format (PDF)  
CoDA Opening Prayer
CoDA Opening Prayer
The Serenity Prayer
The Serenity Prayer
The Longer Serenity Prayer
The Longer Serenity Prayer
CoDA Third Step Prayer
CoDA Third Step Prayer
CoDA Step Prayers
CoDA Step Prayers
CoDA Tradition Prayers
CoDA Tradition Prayers
CoDA Closing Prayers
CoDA Closing Prayers
CoDA Recovery Prayer
CoDA Recovery Prayer
CoDA Service Prayer
CoDA Service Prayer

IMPORTANT NOTE: The prayers listed here in the OTHER PRAYERS block are not available from CoDA World, and they are not ‘published’
on the CoDA.org website. These prayers are not necessarily Co-Dependents Anonymous, Inc., (CoDA), Service Conference (CSC) endorsed.

The Serenity Prayer
(long version from CoDA UK)
Making Choices Prayer
(CoDA Service Conference endorsed)
The Serenity Prayer
(We version — source unknown)
CoDA Healing Prayer
(CoDA Service Conference endorsed)
The Serenity Prayer
(People Version from Portland, OR CoDA)
The Togetherness Prayer
(from: ESH CoDA, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada)
In This Moment — Help Me Prayer
(from: Friday Afternoon CoDA Listening Room)
Set Aside Prayer
(from: ESH CoDA, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada)
Trusted Servants Prayer
(From CoDA Canada Steering Committee (CCSC) Meeting Agenda)
O Great Spirit
Prayer from Listen To The Wind (story 22, p.347, 3rd ed.) in the
CoDA Book PERSONAL STORIES (licoda.org/Images/O_Great_Spirit.pdf)



These copyrighted, PDF formatted, Trifold, Step Pamphlets from the early 1990's can be viewed, downloaded & printed
from this website. They are available here thanks to the preservation efforts of New York City & Brooklyn CoDA. These
12 Steps Pamphlets may be downloaded for use in meetings and for personal use. They may not be used for commercial
purposes without permission from Co-Dependents Anonymous Inc.  For more information see the CoDA Fair Use Policy.

These 12 pamphlets together comprise the Co-Dependents Anonymous © Twelve Steps Handbook, except for the Cover,
Cover Page, Table of Contents, The Serenity Prayer, The CoDA Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions and The Twelve Promises.
The above copyrighted graphics are used with permission of Codependents Anonymous, Inc.



Documents & Pamphlets (tri-folds) available in English & Española sold in bulk packages are also available for individual download at no cost.
Click a text link to download a FREE version of that CoDA Pamphlet. The FREE Brochures, Tri-Folds & Documents are available from various
pages at CoDA.org. Click a pamphlet image link to purchase bulk items from the CoDA Store, or CoDA Resource Publishing (CoRe, Inc.)

CoDA Logo        Pamphlets* CoDA Logo

English En Español
Purchase Download   Compra Descargar  

Welcome to Co-Dependents Anonymous*
Bienvenidos a CoDA* (Folleto)
What Is CoDA?*
¿Qué es CoDA?*
Una introducción a Codependientes Anónimos
Am I Codependent?*
¿Soy Codependiente?*
Attending Meetings*
Asistendo a Reuniones*
Sponsorship in CoDA*
Padrinazgo y Madrinazgo en CoDA*
Communication and Recovery*
Comunicación y recuperación* (Panfleto)
Using the Twelve Traditions*
Usando las Doce Tradiciones
Establishing Boundaries in Recovery*
Estableciendo Límites en la Recuperación*
Your First Meeting*
Su Primera Reunión*
Building CoDA Community:
Healthy Meetings Matter
Construir la Comunidad de CoDA:
Es Importante Celebrar Reuniones Saludables
Reparenting Our Inner Child*
CoDA Service Conference
Endorsed Literature is Vital
Information for Professionals*
Información para los Profesionales*
*These pamphlets are available from CoRe. They are provided here for one per person; for a teacher/counselor, copies for each of their clients. For meetings, copies can be made for handouts to newcomers, one per newcomer, but please note when printing in any quantity, they are less expensive to purchase through CoRe (www.corepublications.org). All items are copyrighted, and no changes may be made to the content.

NOTE: CoRe sells these pamphlets in packages of 50 each, except for the remaining stock of individual Spanish language pamphlets.

Para obtener información adicional sobre CoDA en español, consulte: CoDA Spanish Outreach
Ver también: Codependientes Anónimos México: Asociación Mexicana para la Recuperación de la Codependencia,
y el Comité de Divulgación Española (SPO): Comité de Divulgación Española (SPO),
así como: Codependientes Anónimos de Colombia, y CoDA Brasil


    FREE Downloadable Pamphlets & Printouts  

Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence (©2010)
Codependency & Recovery - The Differences
Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence (©2011)
Las Diferencias - Codependencia y Recuperación
(Codependency & Recovery - The Differences
en español)
Recovery Patterns of Codependence (1)
(2015 version)
Созависимость и выздоровление - различия
(Codependency & Recovery - The Differences
Recovery Patterns of Codependence (2)
(2023 “I” version)
Recovery From Codependence:
A Brief Introduction
Recovery Patterns of Codependence (3)
(2023 “We” version)
Dealing with Disagreements
3 versions of “Recovery Patterns
of Codependence” from above
Twelve Service Concepts–
Alive & Strong
CoDA Canada's “Recovery Patterns of
Codependence — Progress Scale”
(Not CoDA Service Conference endorsed)
Twelve Service Concepts
CoDA Guidelines For Following
The Twelve Traditions In Service Work

* A Service Work Inventory Tool *
General Responsibilities
of Trusted Servants
Getting Started Working Steps 1, 2 & 3
Using the 30 Questions
Working Steps 4 & 5 ‐
Using the 40 Questions
CoDA-Australia Sponsorship Program:
The First 14 Days — Workbook for Sponsees
Sydney, Australia, Sponsorship Program:
First 14 Days — Questions
"13th Stepping"
(via CoDA Canada, written by Washington State Fellowship)
Proposed Statement on 13th Stepping
(from Bay Area CoDA Community Service Group‐not conference endorsed)
Policy Regarding Outside
Literature at CoDA Meetings
Motion #22083: What is a CoDA Meeting &
Current Policy Regarding Outside Literature
Download FREE CoDA Materials (USA)
Download FREE CoDA Materials (Canada)
Working the Steps as a Group (PDF)
CoDA Institutional Meeting Handbook
Twelve Tips for Sponsors
CoDA's Fair Use Policy (PDF)
Court Attendance Letter
Religious Identification



The Preamble of Co-Dependents Anonymous
The Twelve Promises of Co-Dependents Anonymous
The Welcome of Co-Dependents Anonymous
The Welcome (short version)
The Twelve Steps of Co-Dependents Anonymous
The Twelve Traditions of Co-Dependents Anonymous

CoDA Meeting Materials
CoDA Outreach Resource Guide
Tools for Codependent Recovery¹
My Daily CoDA Program Journal
Helpful questions for setting sponsor/
sponcee relationship boundaries
An Open Letter To The Newcomer
(Not CoDA Service Conference endorsed)
Policy Regarding Outside
Literature at CoDA Meetings

CoDA Committees & Other
Important Contact Information

2024-2025 Board Positions & Liaisons
(updated: July 27, 2024)
The Fellowship Services Manual(FSM)
Twelve: Steps/Traditions/Promises/Service Concepts
Co-Dependents Anonymous
Email Lists & Audio Video Files

Anonymity & Social Media —
CoDA Guidelines for Anonymity in Social Media

In This Moment WhatsApp Group
ITM in English
Tagesmeditation - In diesem Moment
IDM auf Deutsch

CoDA Resource Publishing Inc. (CoRe)
CoDA Resource Publishing Inc. (CoRe)
Co-Dependents Anonymous (CoDA Inc)
YouTube© Page
A message from the CoDA Omaha Service Board
What is CoDA?
Co-NNections Recovery Stories
Meeting In Print
Submit Your Story
CoDA Literature Committee
CoDA Audio-Visual Resources
CoDA Fellowship Forum Audio Recordings

¹This link, and the links within its subsequent pages, is recovered from the old New York State CoDA website (NYSCoDA.org). Contact, email, internal links and other referencing information therein may not function as described. In the future it is possible updates may be done. In the meantime, with apologies for those links that fail to function correctly, & any other internal glitches, it is posted here, in its original form, because of its potential value and usefulness to those seeking recovery from codependency.

² These questions are from page 12 of the "Codependents Anonymous Sponsorship Booklet," ©2003, which is no longer in print.

³Quoting from Common Questions on Co-NNections Recovery Stories: “Can I use a Co-NNections article as a topic for a CoDA meeting or as part of a recovery workshop? No. All Co-NNections articles are copyrighted and doing so without permission would be an infringement of the copyright. Co-NNections provides a generic form, "Permission to use copyrighted material." You can download it or find another similar form, fill in the information, attach it to an email and send it to connections@coda.org. We’ll forward your form to the author. We use this method to protect the anonymity of the authornsorship.
Click here to download ‘Permission to Use Copyrighted Material Form’”



• 2024 CoDA Service Conference Delegate Package Page. (coda.org/delegate-package-2024) •
NOTE: The page includes other 2024 delegate related informaton and links.

• 2024 Motions Report (licoda.org/CSC_Motions/2024/2024_CSC_Service_Items.pdf) •
NOTE: The 2024 Motions Report was downloaded from the Prior Motions Database, and is presented here for information purposed only.
• 2023 Motions Report (codependents.org/Motions_Report%20_FINAL_CoDA_%20CSC_2023.pdf) •
• 2023 Motions Passed (The CoDA UK Report) (codauk.org/coda-world-service-conference/) •
• 2022 Motions Report (coda.org/wp-content/uploads/Motions-Report-8.22-25.22-FINAL.pdf) •
• 2021 Motions Report (coda.org/wp-content/uploads/2021-CoDA-Service-Items-Motions-Report-7-27-thru-7-30-2021.pdf) •
• Prior Motions Database (motions.coda.org.tempwebsite.net/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f) •
   Login information – Login Email: motions@coda.org, Password: coda1234


• Sat, Nov 11, 2023 (licoda.org/Images/Documents/Minutes_2023-03-11.pdf) •
• Sat, Mar 11, 2023 (licoda.org/Images/Documents/Minutes_2023-03-11.pdf) •
• Sat, Mar 19, 2022 (licoda.org/Images/Documents/Minutes_2022-03-19.pdf) •
• Sat, Nov 21, 2020 (licoda.org/Images/Documents/Minutes_2020-11-21.pdf) •
• Sat, Mar 21, 2020 (licoda.org/Images/Documents/Minutes_2020-03-21.pdf) •

________________ ________________

7th Tradition Tickle

CoDA's Seventh Tradition states that every CoDA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

* Use the QR Code to use the ZOOM Logo Mobile APP to donate.  All donations go directly to supporting Long Island
CoDA activities at the local, regional & national levels. More information at: Guidelines To CoDA Digital Donations.

Send additions, corrections, and comments about "LICoDA.org" to Long Island CoDA
(Request our "Change Meeting Information Form," in your message to change/update your Meeting Information)
Our contact, and address information is listed below.

Go to Meetings • Get a Sponsor • Work the Steps • Repeat
Keep coming back • It works if you work it • It won't, if you don't

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